Mass Intentions for the Week starting from 16th June 2024
Weekday | Date | Feast | Time | Intention |
| | | 5.30pm | Sabato Feniello – RIP |
Sun | 16-Jun | Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time | 8:00am | Pro Pop |
| | | 9.30am | Maureen Croucher – Private Intention |
| | | 11.30am | George Abraham – RIP |
| | | 6:00pm | Theresa Short (Nee Fitzerald) |
Mon | 17-Jun | | 9.30am | Iveth Polo Quintana |
Tue | 18-Jun | | 9.30am | Maureen Croucher – Private Intention |
Wed | 19-Jun | St John Rigby, Martyr | 9.30am | Mary Horgan- RIP |
Thu | 20-Jun | St Alban, Martyr | 9.30am | Iveth Polo Quintana |
Fri | 21-Jun | St Aloysius Gonzaga | 9.30am | Mick O’Brien – RIP |
Sat | 22-Jun | Ss John Fisher, Bishop & Thomas More, Martyrs | 10:00am | Deceased Members of Mundondo Family |
| | | 5.30pm | Joe Heade – RIP |
| 23-Jun | Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time | 8:00am | Pro Pop |
Sun | | | 9.30am | Thanksgiving Mass from late Peter Fitzpatrick |
| | | 11.30am | Spencer- Silver Family Intention |
| | | 6:00pm | Holy Souls |