Mass Intentions for the Week
Weekday | Date | Feast | Time | Intention |
| | | 5.30pm | Holy Souls | |
Sun | 20-Oct | Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time | 8:00am | Holy Souls | |
| | | 9.30am | Prop pop | |
| | | 11.30am | Anibal, Luz & Natalia Vergara – Thanksgiving | |
| | | 6:00pm | Holy Souls |
Mon | 21-Oct | | 9.30am | Rafael Sainz- RIP |
Tue | 22-Oct | | 9.30am | Holy Souls |
Wed | 23-Oct | | 9.30am | Holy Souls |
Thu | 24-Oct | | 9.30am | Holy Souls |
Fri | 25-Oct | | 9.30am | William Lane – RIP |
Sat | 26-Oct | | 10:00am | Holy Souls |
| | | 5.30pm | Edward & Teresa Nestor- Death Anniversary |
Sun | 27-Oct | Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time | 8:00am | Pro Pop |
| | | 9.30am | Holy Souls |
| | | 11.30am | Holy Souls |
| | | 6:00pm | Holy Souls |
Confession: Saturday 10:30 -11:00 and during Holy Hours