Author: hgbalham

  • Parish Readers

    Parish Readers

    The readers comprise a group of parishioners who read at Mass on Sundays – those who are available on weekdays also read at daily Mass during the week. If you are interested in knowing more about becoming a reader, please contact the parish office – [email protected] or ask to speak to one of the clergy.

  • Missio

    Missio in England is part of the global network of Pontifical missionary societies which support over 1,000 mission dioceses and give grants for the building of churches, the training of priests and religious brothers and sisters and for the education and protection of children in over 157 countries. Our parishioners support Missio by their prayers…

  • Marriage Preparation

    Marriage Preparation

    Couples from the parish who wish to marry (even if marrying elsewhere) need to complete a certain amount of paperwork with one of the parish clergy, and also undertake some ‘marriage preparation’ to help them celebrate this Sacrament worthily and well. We have a number of married couples in the parish who assist in helping…

  • Gift Aid

    Gift Aid

    Gift Aid is a scheme available to charities, including the Church. It means they can claim extra money from the Government. The parish can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you donate. That’s as long as you’ve paid the basic rate of tax and make the donation from your own funds. That means Gift…

  • Flower arrangers

    Flower arrangers

    We are a small, friendly group of volunteers who arrange flowers at our beautiful church. There is a termly rota and everyone on the rota has at least 2 or 3 slots a term to buy and arrange flowers, the cost of which is reimbursed by the church. Flowers are usually arranged mid-morning on a…

  • First Holy Communion classes

    First Holy Communion classes

    First Holy Communion classes are offered to children typically Y3 (age 8) in preparation for and concluding with the Sacrament itself.  The classes are held one afternoon a week (usually Wednesdays) for an hour starting in January and ending in May. A textbook which outlines the parts of the Mass is used and a team…

  • Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

    Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

    The Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the clergy in distributing Holy Communion at Sunday Masses, and may occasionally be asked to take the Blessed Sacrament to the sick and housebound. New Ministers are commissioned by the Archbishop on the advice of the Parish Priest. Those chosen ‘must be examples of Christian living in faith…

  • Confirmation classes

    Confirmation classes

    Confirmation classes are offered to young people in school Year 8 and above in preparation for receiving this Sacrament. The classes are held one evening a week (normally Thursdays) beginning in the autumn term and ending in the summer. The aim is to equip the candidates with a deeper understanding of their faith and to…

  • Church Garden Team

    Church Garden Team

    There is a small group of parishioners which manages lawn mowing and general tidying up of flower beds and pots at the entrance of the church. We have a rota during the growing season which involves each member mowing the lawn a couple of times over the spring/summer, using the electric mower provided. We always…

  • Church Cleaners

    Church Cleaners

    Every week, after Wednesday morning Mass, a small team cleans our beautiful church and the courtyard.  This includes hoovering, sweeping, dusting and mopping.  If you would like to join the team, we always need new recruits! We especially need extra help during the school holidays (i.e. half-term and summer). Many hands make light work! Contact:…