Category: Events
Mass Intentions for the Week starting from 24th November
Mass Intentions for the Week Weekday Date Feast Time Intention 5.30pm Cornelius Walshe – Death Anniversary Sun 24-Nov Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe 8:00am Daniel & Victoria Raman’s Intention 9.30am Jan Boczkowski – RIP 11.30am Holy Souls …
Mass Intentions for the Week starting from 17th November
Mass Intentions for the Week Weekday Date Feast Time Intention 5.30pm Mary O’Shaughnessy – RIP Sun 17-Nov Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00am Pro Pop 9.30am Annie Kelly Burke – RIP 11.30am Peter Fitzpatrick- 1st Death Anniversary 6:00pm Barbra…
Mass Intentions for the Week starting from 10th November
Weekday Date Feast Time Intention 5.30pm John Mary Patrick Kenny – RIP Sun 10-Nov Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00am Pro Pop 9.30am Holy Souls 11:30am Deceased of the Two World Wars Mon 11-Nov St Martin of Tours 9.30am Deceased of the…
Mass Intentions for the Week starting from 3rd November
Mass Intentions for the Week Weekday Date Feast Time Intention 5.30pm Charles Anderson – RIP Sun 03-Nov Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00am Pro Pop 9.30am Beale & Holden Deceased Family Members 11.30am Holy Souls 6:00pm Holy Souls Mon…
Chirstmas Fair in Balham. We are accepting donations
WE NEED YOUR DONATIONS A very big THANK YOU to all those who have already offered to help in any way with the Christmas Fair. WE ARE NOW ACCEPTING DONATIONS OF BOOKS – TOYS – AND ‘BRIC-A-BRAC’ – these can be left in the church porch at any time. Please note – WE CANNOT ACCEPT…
Mass Intentions for the Week starting from 27th October 2024
Weekday Date Feast Time Intention 5.30pm Edward & Teresa Nestor- Death Anniversary Sun 27-Oct Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00am Pro Pop 9.30am Holy Souls 11.30am Holy Souls 6:00pm Holy Souls Mon 28-Oct Ss Simon & Jude 9.30am Tom…
We are looking for some high value or interesting prizes for our raffle
Christmas Fair 2024 – How can you help? It will be on Saturday 30th November from 12.00 – 3.00 The ever-popular Holy Ghost Christmas Fair will take place again this year. How can you help? For offers of help, or enquiries, please contact – [email protected] The Christmas fair is always good fun, and a great…
Parish Christmas Fair. How can you help?
Parish Christmas FairSaturday 30th November12.00 – 3.00 The ever-popular Holy Ghost Christmas Fair will take place again this year. It will be on Saturday 30th November from 12.00 – 3.00 How can you help? Nearer the time we’ll be looking for donations (watch this space) and volunteers for the stalls, but for now we especially…
Mass Intentions for the Week starting from 20th October 2024
Mass Intentions for the Week Weekday Date Feast Time Intention 5.30pm Holy Souls Sun 20-Oct Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00am Holy Souls 9.30am Prop pop 11.30am Anibal, Luz & Natalia Vergara – Thanksgiving 6:00pm Holy Souls Mon 21-Oct…
Mercy Evening this 15th October: A Time of Prayer and Reflection
We want to invite you to the next Mercy Evening that we’re organising for this Tuesday 15th October, at 7.30pm. The Mercy Evening is a time for Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament, in a very especial way. It’s a time to be with Jesus, personally. The church will be beautifully prepared for this encounter.…