Mass Intentions for the Week starting from 14th July 2024

Mass Intentions for the Week

   5.30pm Holy Souls
Sun14-JulFifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00amAnthony Mowah – RIP
   9.30amGabriel Dupont-Madinier- RIP
   11.30amPro Pop
   6:00pmPauline Purnell – RIP
Mon15-JulSt Bonaventure, Bishop & Doctor of the Church9.30amHoly Souls
Tue16-JulOur Lady of Mount Carmel9.30amMrs Croucher- Private Intention
Wed17-Jul 9.30amCharlotte – Private Intention
Thu18-Jul 9.30amHoly Souls
Fri19-Jul 9.30amPatrick & Cathal Nogher – RIP
Sat20-Jul 10:00amHoly Souls
   5.30pmHoly Souls
Sun21-JulSixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time8:00amAnthony Mowah – RIP
   9.30amHoly Souls
   11.30amPro Pop
   6:00pmHoly Souls

Confession:  Saturday 10:30 -11:00 and during Holy Hours