Mass Intentions for the Week starting from 15th September 2024

   5.30pmHoly Souls 
Sun15-SepTwenty-Fourth Sunday In Ordinary Time8:00amPro Pop 
   9.30amHoly Souls 
   11.30amTom Ryan & Rory Bradley – RIP 
   6:00pmHoly Souls
Mon16-SepSs Cornelius, Pope & Cyprian, Bishop, Martyrs9.30amJ Spencer-Silver – Private Intention
Tue17-Sep 9.30amBrian Cheney- RIP
Wed18-Sep 9.30amSpencer-Silver  Family- Private Intention
Thu19-Sep 9.30amTeresa Davies – Private Intention
Fri20-SepSt Andrew, Kim Tae-gon, Priest & Paul Chong Ha-sang and Companions, Martyrs9.30amMichael & Richard Duggan – RIP
Sat21-SepSt Matthew, Apostle & Evangelist10:00amHoly Souls
   5.30pmMaciek Pytlinski – RIP
Sun22-SepTwenty-Fifth Sunday In Ordinary Time8:00amHoly Souls
   9.30amPro Pop
   11.30amMr Trevor Downs – Well Being
   6:00pmRomualdo Pirali & Emma Pedrotti – RIP