Mass in Balham

Mass Intentions for the Week starting from 17th November

Mass Intentions for the Week

   5.30pmMary O’Shaughnessy – RIP 
Sun17-NovThirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time8:00amPro Pop 
   9.30amAnnie Kelly Burke – RIP 
   11.30amPeter Fitzpatrick- 1st   Death Anniversary 
   6:00pmBarbra Ramsey – RIP 
Mon18-Nov 9.30amJohn  & Marylou Henderson – Well Being 
Tue19-Nov 9.30amPeter Fitzpatick- 1st   Death Anniversary 
Wed20-Nov 9.30amAlbino Vinante -RIP 
Thu21-NovThe Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary9.30amFelix & Eulalia Britto – RIP 
Fri22-NovSt Cecilia9.30amMaude Holloway’s Intention 
Sat23-Nov 10:00amHoly Souls 
   5.30pmCornelius Walshe – Death Anniversary 
Sun24-NovOur Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe8:00amDaniel & Victoria  Raman’s Intention 
   9.30amJan Boczakowski – RIP 
   11.30amHoly Souls 
   6:00pmPro Pop 

Confession:  Saturday 10:30 -11:00 and during Holy Hours