Mass in Balham

Mass Intentions for the Week starting from 1st September 2024

Mass Intentions for the Week

   5.30pmHoly Souls 
Sun01-SepTwenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time9.30amPro Pop 
   11.30amHoly Souls 
   6:00pmHoly Souls 
Mon02-Sep 9.30amEileen McGuinness- RIP
Tue03-SepSt Gregory the Great, Pope & Dr of the Church9.30amNathalie Salic- Well Being
Wed04-Sep 9.30amWalsh Family
Thu05-Sep 9.30amDeceased Relatives & Friends of Anne Coghlan
Fri06-Sep 9:30amHoly Souls
Sat07-Sep 10:00amHoly Souls
   5.30pmHoly Souls
Sun08-SepTwenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time8:00amHoly Souls
   9.30amPro Pop
   11:30amFR Bruno Murphy’s Intention
   6:00pmHoly Souls

Confession:  Saturday 10:30 -11:00 and during Holy Hours