Mass Intentions for the Week starting from 23rd June 2024

Mass Intentions for the Week

   5.30pmJoe Heade – RIP
Sun23-JunTwelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time8:00amPro Pop
   9.30amThanksgiving Mass from late Peter Fitzpatrick
   11.30amSpencer- Silver Family Intention
   6:00pmHoly Souls
Mon24-JunThe Nativity of St John The Baptist9.30amMarie-Francoise Broustet – RIP
Tue25-Jun 9.30amWilliam Lane – RIP
Wed26-Jun 9.30amMrs Louise Hawkins – RIP
Thu27-Jun 9.30amGeorge Anderson – RIP
Fri28-JunSt Irenaeus, Bishop , Martyr and Dr of the Church9.30amKevin Travis – RIP
Sat29-JunThe Blessed Virgin Mary10:00amHoly Souls
   5.30pmJoe Heade – RIP
Sun30-JunSs Peter & Paul8:00amAnthony Mowah – RIP
   9.30amPro Pop
   11.30amHoly Souls
   6:00pmMarion Stanway- RIP

Confession:  Saturday 10:30 -11:00 and during Holy Hours