Mass in Balham

Mass Intentions for the Week starting from 24th November

Mass Intentions for the Week

   5.30pmCornelius Walshe – Death Anniversary 
Sun24-NovOur Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe8:00amDaniel & Victoria  Raman’s Intention 
   9.30amJan Boczkowski – RIP 
   11.30amHoly Souls 
   6:00pmPro Pop 
Mon25-Nov 9:30amWilliam Lane – RIP 
Tue26-Nov 9.30amRev John Moynihan – RIP 
Wed27-Nov 9.30amHoly Souls 
Thu28-Nov 9.30amRichard & Bessie McCarthy & their Sons – RIP 
Fri29-Nov 9.30amHoly Souls 
Sat30-NovSt Andrew, Apostle, Patron of Scotland10:00amMaureen Fleming – RIP 
   5.30pmTherese & Michel How- RIP 
Sun01-DecFirst Sunday of Advent8:00amBishop John Hine – RIP 
   9.30amPro Pop 
   11.30amJoseph Lalor – RIP 
   6:00pmHoly Souls 

Confession:  Saturday 10:30 -11:00 and during Holy Hours