Mass Intentions for the Week starting from 25th August 2024

Mass Intentions for the Week

   5.30pmHoly Souls 
Sun25-AugTwenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time9:30amHoly Souls 
   11.30amWilliam Lane – RIP 
   6:00pmProp Pop 
Mon26-Aug 9.30amOliver Parker – Well Being
Tue27-AugSt Monica9.30amHoly Souls
Wed28-AugSt Augustine, Bishop & Dr of the Church9.30amHoly Souls
Thu29-AugThe Passion of St John the Baptist9.30amHoly Souls
Fri30-AugSs Margaret Clitherow, Anne Line & Margaret Ward, Martyrs9.30amHoly Souls
Sat31-Aug 10:00amHoly Souls
   5.30pmHoly Souls
Sun01-SepTwenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time9.30amPro Pop
   11.30amHoly Souls
   6:00pmHoly Souls

Confession:  Saturday 10:30 -11:00 and during Holy Hours