Mass in Balham

Mass Intentions for the Week starting from 3rd November

Mass Intentions for the Week

   5.30pmCharles Anderson – RIP 
Sun03-NovThirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time8:00amPro Pop 
   9.30amBeale & Holden Deceased Family Members 
   11.30amHoly Souls 
   6:00pmHoly Souls
Mon04-NovSt Charles Borromeo9.30amThomas Boczkowski – Well Being
Tue05-Nov 9.30amMaureen Flemming – RIP
Wed06-Nov 9.30amMaureen Flemming – RIP
Thu07-NovThe Dedication of the Cathedral Church of St George9.30amVocations (Catenian Association)
Fri08-Nov 9:30amCharlie Logue & Liam McCafferty- RIP
Sat09-NovThe Dedication of the Lateran Basilica10:00amReserved
   5.30pmJohn Mary Patrick Kenny – RIP
Sun10-NovThirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time8:00amPro Pop
   9.30amHoly Souls
   11:30amDeceased of the Two World Wars
   6:00pmFilippo Di Salvo – RIP

Confession:  Saturday 10:30 -11:00 and during Holy Hours