Mass Intentions for the Week starting from 7th July 2024

Mass Intentions for the Week

   5.30pmArchie Oliver -RIP
Sun07-JulFourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time8:00amValerie & Ludek Slezak – Well Being
   9.30amPro Pop
   11:30amHoly Souls
   6:00pmDM – Private Intention
Mon08-Jul 9.30amCarmel Moran – RIP
Tue09-Jul 9.30am Holy Souls
Wed10-Jul 9.30amTom Ryan & Rory Bradley – RIP
Thu11-JulSt Benedict Abbot, Patron of Europe9.30amAB – Thanksgiving
Fri12-Jul 9.30amChristopher Agbueze -Well Being
Sat13-Jul 10:00am Holy Souls
   5.30pm Holy Souls
Sun14-JulFifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00amAnthony Mowah – RIP
   9.30amGabriel Dupont-Madinier- RIP
   11.30amPro Pop
   6:00pmPauline Purnell – RIP

Confession:  Saturday 10:30 -11:00 and during Holy Hours